Propolis is a resinous brownish substance, which is also called bee glue. It is obtained by mixing beeswax and saliva with natural juice of natural sources - trees, leaves, flowers, buds, etc. Propolis is used by insects as a kind of putty, with which they seal up all the cracks and holes in their hive, making it less susceptible to winds and temperature changes. Propolis prevents pathogens inside the hive, inhibits the growth of fungi and disinfects the surface. It is insisted and used internally and externally.
Useful properties:
• anti-toxic;
• antibacterial;
• dermatoplastic;
• anti-inflammatory;
• wound healing;
• disinfectant;
• immunomodulatory;
• protective;
• antioxidant.
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+996 (773) 943 277
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